Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mic the Mighty Mocking Mouse...

OK... no pictures this time but I had to share this.

We have a mouse that lives in our garage. I have named him Mic. Mic is a mighty mouse. He is a mighty mouse because he has managed to go about a month detected but not "captured" by Les. This drives Les crazy. He is also a mocking mouse. He is a mocking mouse because every time Les sets a trap he baits it with peanut butter which Mic manages to eat without setting off the trap. So yesterday Les decided to change tactics. He set his normal traps baited with peanut butter... but he also set out a large sticky trap baited with none other than his son's favorite snack... Cheetos! I noticed this when I walked outside a few minutes ago to get a coke from the outside 'fridge. I just had to laugh at the trap... the Cheetos... and the large area of coarse mouse hair that was caught in the sticky trap next to the Cheetos.

I think Mic's days are numbered!