Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall has arrived!!!

Benjamin came strutting out of his bedroom yesterday like this. Yes he put his own shoes on and yes they are on the wrong feet!

He was so proud of himself that when I picked up the camera to take a picture he did something he NEVER does... he walked right up to me and... SMILED! Well, smirked... but that works!

I didn't have the heart to take them off and put them on the right feet for him, so he walked around for about an hour like that.

This is as close to a "sweet" picture I could get!

Benjamin actually took this picture. He is always trying to take the camera from me so he can take a picture... so I put the timer on 2 seconds and handed him the camera. It is straight because the flash pops up to take the picture and it caught his attention. ha!

Waiting on Daddy to put in Ben's Indiana Jones DVD.